Kicking… And San Francisco is still a sweet visit

The past week containing Honky White Devil eatin’ day made it worthy of note. A pack of us, including a 4 month old, jammed into a mini-van and drove 11 hours to the city by the bay for gluttony fest and checking shit out.

The 4 month old:


Yes, he’s cute as shit. And rather low on the noise factor.

Got to friend Jason’s sweet pad in the Sunset hood around 1AM and stayed up yammering till 3 on T-day. Got a bit of sleep the coffee and a stroll down to the beach in the sun sun sunny 60’s.


Not what I had imagined of San Fran. The rest of the day was a disgusting food orgy on delightful foods and good conversation with friends not seen for some time.

We came in on the Bay bridge, newly rebuilt over the past few years. There is an amazing light show going on on the outside of the bridge not visible from the roadway, but very cool from Pier 2


For some reason the crew decided that hitting insanely busy locations was the order of the visit leading to a claustrophobic visit to Muir Woods on Friday, followed by driving and strolling around Union Square Saturday. Friday was made good by hiking a little used 5 mile trail leading to Muir Beach and a wicked sunset.

Saturday night and Sunday SF got a rare treat: a heavy downpour of rain. Holy shit levels of rain. Just in time for the 11 hour drive home.

While gassing the famvan up in the standard I-5 mid valley roadside shit hole I noticed the car behind me had BC plates. Started a chat with the fellow and his bride and at some point it came out I was studying GIS and the gent asked if I was job hunting. Mentioned I would be in June and he gave me the name of a company and a name of a fellow to call. Seriously. Calling him tomorrow.

Good times.

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